Monday, November 26, 2007

Russian Propaganda Posters


Propaganda is a information or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an oppent’s cause; Often uses untruth or manipulates the truth; Propaganda limits the freedom of speech and there will be censorship. It wants an emotional response. It suggests an illogical relationship. Propaganda can be seen in media, corporations, government, and schools. People are not allowed to think what they want but, they are told what to believe. You can learn about beliefs, attitudes, values, and groups.

Poster 1

“Beloved Stalin – good fortune for the people."

A message of this poster is Stalin is the people’s happiness which is not true. It seemed to be good but later he became cruel and didn’t achieve a success in deliver peace, land and bread to the people. This poster is trying to get people support of Stalin and change people’s point of view towards Stalin by using the drawing of a huge numbers of people who were smiling at him. The poster is effective because of the people holding his portraits.

Poster 2

“Lenin. October. Power to soviets. Peace to the nations. Land to peasants. Factories to workers.”

The message of this poster is “Peace, Land, Bread.” This was successful because people were happy about it. This poster is telling people that if you achieve “Peace, Land, and Bread,” there will be no hardships. The symbol of red color is the Bolsheviks and the white color is peace. This poster is effective because of the words of the poster.

Poster 3

"We will not allow this to happen again."

The message of this poster is showing the harsh of Stalin’s rule. He killed and locked up thousands of people who opposed him. This poster is trying to show the harsh ruling policies of Stalin. It is convincing people to stand up to Stalin or people like him. The picture of the poster is a picture of Stalin made of prison cells. The poster is effective because of the picture of Stalin made of prison cells.

Poster 4

Our October [Socialist Revolution] was done to achieve togetherness, peace and work.”

The message of this poster is a change is required to have a better life. It tells that revolution is the only way to improve. This poster does not represent the idea of Communism much, because it shows the determination for a better life. With togetherness, peace, and work, their lives will improve. This picture is effective, because of “1917”, and the orange man.

Poster 5

“Let us strengthen the class solidarity and cooperation of all communists of all countries in the struggle for peace and socialism.”

This poster was made for people who want to improve socialism. This convinces people to work for peace and communism. The faces in the flag are Marx, Engels and Lenin, who started communism and developed this idea. People that are holding paper with white text and red background representing working class and middle class people that support communism.

Poster 6

"Be on guard at all times. It is a police officer. "

The message of this poster is that opposition towards communism and its leader are put down. It is trying to tell the people that communist leaders will not tolerate opposition. People are told what to do and how to live their life. It conveys to message by the headline, “Be on guard all the times. It is a police officer.” The effective part is also the sign on the police officer’s car, which represents communism.


Propaganda is a information or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an oppent’s cause; Often uses untruth or manipulates the truth; Propaganda limits the freedom of speech and there will be censorship. It wants an emotional response. It suggests an illogical relationship. Propaganda can be seen in media, corporations, government, and schools. People are not allowed to think what they want but, they are told what to believe. You can learn about beliefs, attitudes, values, and groups. The posters were made to make people believe and support the government.